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09.05.2010 00:03 - Тъжни постинги 2
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Ивановските стенописи и техните изследователи

Критични бележки I – II – IIIIV


Напускането на България не намали моя интерес към Ивановските стенописи, нито прекъсна работата ми по тяхното проучване. Използвах новооткрилите се възможности в берлинските научни библиотеки, за да си доставя необходимата за изследванията ми научна литература, засягаща паметници, свързани с изображенията в Иваново, както и с надписите към стенописите, чиито палеографски паралели трябваше да търся в течение на следващите десетилетия. Тази ми работа съвпадаше до голяма степен с две от главните ми професионални задължения през това време, когато, като един от авторите за средновековното изкуство в издавания от работна група в Хумболтовия университет многотомен енциклопедичен речник, трябваше да напиша и всички текстове, отнасящи се за българското, византийското, югославското, руското и гръцкото изуство – и то не само средновековното, но и на ХІХ, а отчасти и ХХ век. Това беше повод да се запозная с цялата огромна литература по тези въпроси. При почти идеалните условия на берлинските библиотеки това вече не беше проблем – от 1978 година към тях се прибавиха и библиотеките на Западен Берлин, включително на Германския археологически институт, където имах възможност да ползвам също новата гръцка, югославска и албанска литература, по това време недостъпни за моите колеги в България.

Предимството на тази работа беше, че тя ми даде възможност вече отстрани да добия представа за нашето старо изкуство в контекст и във връзка с изкуството на останалите европейски и извъневропейски страни – от 1978 година нататък също имах възможност с ежегодни месечни пътувания по цяла Югоизточна Европа, Италия и Русия, но също така Албания и Атон, да получа непосредствени впечатления почти от всички паметници на среднове­ковното из­куство, които бяха повече или по-малко свързани с нашето изкуство.

Основното проучване на Ивановските стенописи като един от централните паметници на българското средновековно изкуство влизаше в другата главна тема на работата ми, която протече през 1970-те години във връзка с моята голяма книга, посветена на изкуството на Българското християнско средновековие, до чието завършване в 1978 година трябваше да предприема много пътувания из България за проучвания и заснимания на паметниците на нашето средновековно изкуство. Тъй като от Ивановските стенописи разполагах с достатъчно снимки, Иваново не влизаше в пътуванията ми и го посетих отново едва през 1985 година, когато предприех поредица пътувания в България във връзка с подготвяните от мене книги за българската средновековна живопис и архитектура. Първата от тях изобщо не излезе, а втората беше издадена не като мой труд, а като колективен труд с проф. Бербенлиев. Моята задача не се изчерпваше с фотоснимките, както е написано на корицата, а засягаше и основната работа по анотациите за отделните паметници и по редактирането на целия текст, който от своя страна беше реминисценция на една друга книга, излязла в ГДР също под неговото име и изцяло с мои снимки, чийто текст беше основно преработен от мен.

Работата ми по Ивановските стенописи през тези две десетилетия се свеждаше главно до издирването на сведения от историческите извори за епохата на Иван Асен ІІ, но и до решаването на основните проблеми, свързани с атрибуцията и дарителя на стенописите. Както при пътуванията ми, така и при работата ми в библиотеките отдавах много голямо значение на паметниците на монументалното изкуство от ХІІІ и ХІV век – и то не само у нас, а и в целия художествен кръг на византийското изкуство, за които по това време започнаха да излизат резултатите от изследванията през последните десетилетия и нови обобщителни трудове в големи монографии, които вече в значителна степен улесняваха моята работа. Те показваха и колко погрешна е досегашната характеристика на Ивановските стенописи, отразена повече или по-малко в трудовете на Лазарев, Грабар и редица други, предимно гръцки, сръбски и руски автори.

За работата ми по Ивановските стенописи моите снимки оказаха безценна помощ, защото без тях не можеха да се правят никакви сравнения с палеографията в паметниците на монументалната живопис от ХІІІ и ХІV век – колкото и малко такива чужди паметници да са публикувани до сега. Но също така някои подробности от изображенията в дарителската композиция могат да се забележат само при внимателното разглеждане на цветните и чернобелите снимки, а не и на оригинала, където те са почти незабележими за очите.

Това ме накара да изготвя достатъчно големи увеличения на изображенията от дарителската композиция – цветни и чернобели. Вече споменах за проблемите, свързани с надписа отляво на Йоан Асен. Ако за първото име и да не е ставало спор, след като всички букви са запазени изцяло или отчасти, въпросите и недоразуменията са свързани с второто име – или по-точно буквите, които различните изследователи четат по различен начин под първото име. Тези букви – или части от букви – всеки от изследователите вижда и прочита по различен начин, но също всеки от тях, с изключение на Н. Ангелов, иска да представляват части от името АЛЕКСАНДЪРЪ. А единствената запазена изцяло буква е . Тази буква дори при най-добро желание не може нито един от изследователите да свърже с това име. Василиев потвърждава наличието на буквата , но отляво на нея чете, при това като единствен от изследователите, тъй нужната им буква (кси), която, както е известно на всички, трябва непременно да влиза в името АЛЕКСАНДЪРЪ. За да изясни този проблем, сътрудникът на Окръжния музей в Русе Н. Ангелов отиде специално в Иваново. Това пътешествие за него не беше проблем, а дори влизаше в служебните му задължения. И той, противно на Василиев и на всички останали, отхвърли възможността там да е била написана буквата (кси). Отхвърли и , а прочете буквите в лигатура.

Интересното е, че никой от тези изследователи, които философстват на бюрата си за тези букви, не се замисля за подробностите. Дори да имаше там (кси), къде ще се поместят останалите букви от това дълго име? Или пък то трябва да се съкрати, както предлага една известна наша професорка? И как би изглеждало това съкратено царско име? Сигурно нещо като „Алекс“? Hello, Alex! До неотдавна дори моят малолетен внук и съименик на царя не позволяваше да го наричат така, а какво да кажем за самия цар? Разбира се, ако царят, за когото става дума, изобщо се е наричал Александър.

Затова нека разгледаме внимателно фотоснимката на това, което е останало от надписа и неговите букви при заснимането му на моята снимка от 1966 година, която е поместена в първата част на критичните изследвания. И тогава ще видим, че от лявата страна на нимба на централната фигура под думата няма и никога не може да е имало буква (кси), както твърди Асен Василиев и някои от авторите след него. Това също не е буквата С в съчетание с буквата А отдясно на нея и с лигатура върху тях, както твърди Н. Ангелов, а е полузаличената дясна половина на буквата от твърде често употребяваната формула (в Христа Бога) – втората част от тази формула,   , трябва да се е намирала от дясната страна на нимба, преди надписът да бъде заличен.

На моята снимка се вижда също, че под тези букви няма и не може да е имало никакъв надпис или част от надпис, за които там липсва място. Напротив, както ще видим на следващата моя снимка, под очевидно умишлено и целенасочено изстърганото между 1935 и 1951/52 година име , отдясно на ктитора е имало достатъчно място, за да се напише пълният текст от титлата на българския цар – унищожена заедно с целия стенописен слой на това място. И там спокойно е могла да бъде сместена – но и сигурно е била изписана – цялата титла, както я намираме на много други надписи в документи, издадени от царската канцелария, а и върху колоната от „Св. 40 мъченици“. И този текст вече можем да реконструираме и допълним без ни­какви съкращения, както следва:

Или на съвременен език:

Йоан Асен в Христа Бога цар и самодържец на всички българи и гърци.

Но следващата снимка – или снимки, защо за нея разполагаме и със цветно заснимане от 1966 година – ни помага да решим и проблема за останалите изображения в групата на ктитора, от неговата лява и дясна страна, гледано от нас, както и за смисъла на тази композиция. Трите изображения са фронтални и поради това не можем да тълкуваме групата като поклонение на цар Йоан Асен ІІ пред Богородица и поднасяне на църквата като дар за нея. Такъв може да е смисълът на композицията, само ако централната фигура беше Богородица, която тук не само не е нейното главно изображение и идеен център, а дори нейните размери са по-малки, отколкото на двете други изображения. Тя е протегнала ръката си за благословия, а не да приеме дара на царя – който не поднася дара за нея, както твърдят всички автори след Мийе. Тук тя е представена като негов застъпник и главен покровител – това нейно изображение не ни дава никакво основание да смятаме, че църквата е посветена на нея. А указание за това на кого е посветена църквата ни дава вече изображението отляво на царя – гледано от нас.

То не представя жената на ктитора, който и да е той. При внимателен анализ на цветната снимка виждаме, че тази фигура не само е имала черна брада, но при нея личат малки остатъци от дрехата с цвят на тъмна охра – а това е дрехата от камилска вълна, с която св. Иван Кръстител се изобразява навсякъде в източноправославната живопис. А че светецът-покровител на цар Иван Асен ІІ е бил именно той, знаем също така точно, както знаем, че покровителят на цар Иван Александър е бил св. Иван Богослов, като тъкмо този светец е представен на неговото ктиторско изображение в Бачковската костница, също от лявата му страна. А за покровителя на цар Иван Асен ІІ знаем от съобщението в Chronica Alberici monachi Trium Fontium. Там се казва, че цар Иван Асен ІІ починал около деня на своя светец, т. е. летния св. Иван или Еньовден, 24 юни 1241 година: „…circa festum sancti Iohannis Alsanus rex mortuus est“. А че тази църква Иван Асен ІІ е посветил на св. Иван Кръстител, показват също и двете сцени от неговото житие в притвора, за чието изписване там не може да има друго обяснение. Това се доказва и от името на селото Иваново, което очевидно също е влизало в царското дарение на манас­тира и от това дарение то получава и името си „Иваново“, т.е. „собственост на св. Ивановата църква“, а не за спомен от царското посещение.

Но и царското посещение и поклонение пред игумена на манастира „Св. Архангели“, за което ни съобщава житието му и което позволява на Ив. Дуйчев да идентифицира този манастир с пещерните обители по река Русенски Лом , има своята история и предистория сред най-важните събития от епохата на цар Иван Асен ІІ. То е свързано с най-важния момент от неговото управление – завоя в неговата църковна и външна политика, когато той прекъсва унията на българска църква с римокатолическата, като я връща отново в лоното на православието, непосредствено след което на църковния събор в Лампсак тя получава благословията на останалите православни йерарси и статута на независима патриаршия. И тъкмо подготовката на този завой в политиката на цар Иван Асен ІІ обяснява неговото поклонение пред малкоизвестния дотогава в България отшелник, когото българската църква с неговата подкрепа ще избере за свой предстоятел и архиепископ.

С изясняването на проблема за дарителя и основател на „Църквата“ – която вече трябва да назоваваме с нейното име, „Св. Иван Кръстител“ – съвсем не се решават всички останали проблеми. А това са проблемите относно атрибуцията на художниците – или поне за техния произход и принадлежността им към определена художествена школа и насока. Нито един от изследователите досега не се е помъчил да реши тъкмо този проблем. Също както не се е помъчил да реши проблема с присъствието на античните фигури в сцените от празничния цикъл, от които не се откриха досега паралели и образци в нарастналия през последните няколко десетилетия репертоар от паметници. И ако за изследователите като Мийе, Грабар и Мавродинов отговорът беше много прост – че художниците са копирали някакъв непознат, но непременно византийски образец – с този отговор днес вече не можем да се задоволим. Също както не можем да се задоволим с твърдението, че българското църковно изкуство – архитектура, живопис и миниатюра – могат и трябва непременно да бъдат пренесени от Византия. По отношение на българската църковна архитектура се помъчих да покажа в своите сборници от статии, посветени на нея, че това твърдение не е вярно: на територията на Първото българско царство през последните десетилетия се разкриха останките на над 800 църкви, много от които строени още през ІV век и почти всички разрушени през VІ век, като на мястото на някои от тях през следващите векове се изграждат и отново разрушават нови църкви. За строежите им не са водени строители нито от Византия, където техните архитектурни типове не се срещат, нито пък от Мала Азия – а още по-малко от Грузия и Армения, защото след въвеждането на християнството строителната традиция по нашите земи не се прекъсва. А както показват откритите през втората половина на ХХ век художествени и архитектурни паметници, в нашите земи, въпреки всички разрушения, се запазва и доиконоборческата иконографска традиция, за която няма примери във византийското изкуство. От запазените български ръкописи – включително оригинали от Х и ХІ век – научаваме, че и българската миниатюрна живопис има не само различно развитие от византийската, но и че в своето развитие достига до такова съвършенство, каквото срещаме на малко художествени паметници през цялото средновековие. Но както показах в тези два сборника, спецификата на художествените паметници от средновековието в нашите земи не е случайна, а се обуславя от особености, свързани с различни форми в изповядването на християнството – форми, считани от византийската църква за еретически или поне за неканонични.

Тъй като този въпрос има връзка с Ивановските стенописи само дотолкова, че да обясни някои значителни отлики в разбиранията на българските и византийските художествени майстори, на това място няма да се спирам повече на него. И ако Боянските и Ивановските стенописи показват също значителни отлики от възприетите във Византия норми, не трябва да забравяме, че българското църковно изкуство има своя история и предистория, които съвсем не съвпадат с историята на византийското изкуство. Тъкмо малкото стигнали до нас паметници на това изкуство показват не само отликите, но и неговото високо професионално и художествено майсторство, независимо от отликите по отношение на каноничните въпроси и на възприетата от източноправославната иконография. Както ще видим малко по-нататък, от тези няколко запазени паметници на българското църковно изкуство в ХІІІ век научаваме не само за утвърдени художествени и технически принципи, но и за утвърдена българска палеография на техните надписи, която от Търново се пренася в Милешево и Печ. Като стигаме въз основа именно на Ивановските стенописи до невероятния за мнозина колеги извод, че авторите на първата живопис в Съборната църква в Милешево и „Св. Апостоли“ в Печ не само са имали за образец същия палеографски образец, ползван от калиграфа на стенописите в Иваново, но дори произхождат от същата художествена школа – паралелите в графиката на едва ли не всички букви не подлежат на съмнение.

В същия смисъл анализът на композициите от Празничния цикъл в Иваново ни води до заключението, че при изобразените там антични фигури съвсем не се касае за някакви заемки от тук и от там (но непременно от византийски образци!) на елементи от античния образен език в качеството на живописни аксесоари, а до дълбоко обмислена обща концепция, в която античната традиция играе главната роля.

Антикизиращите тенденции в българското изкуство на ХІІІ век, които ние срещаме за първи път при използването на античната архитектурна форма на базиликата при църквата „Св. 40 мъченици“ в Търново и включването в нейния интериор на двете колони с паметните надписи на Омуртаг и Иван Асен ІІ, са изразени в най-висока степен в Ивановските стенописи. Тези стенописи представляват най-светлия и най-празничния израз на идеята за античната красота не само в живописта на Второто българско царство, но и на средновековното изкуство в цяла Югоизточна Европа.

Ние не познаваме друго произведение на монументалната живопис в източно-православното средновековно изкуство, при което да са налице тъй много връзки с античното изкуство: от изображенията на антични колони – атланти и кариатиди върху многочислените архитрави и апликации на архитектурния декор при празничните сцени, – до живите пози на действащите лица и отношенията помежду им. Тук се сблъскваме отново с античните (но съвършено нови за средновековието) закони на композицията, които вече не подчиняват отделните фигури на йерархичния принцип, а следват емпирични познания. Макар при тези стенописи все още да не може да се отхвърли декоративно-плоскостното изображение и обратната перспектива като изразно средство, играещо важна роля в символичния език на средновековието, при тях вече се създават нови отношения между фигурите и околната среда. Отделните човешки изображения често не достигат дори до половината от височината на композицията, така че съотношението между тях и огромните скали или фантастичните декори изглежда почти естествено – едно обстоятелство, чието значение за бъдещото развитие на средновековната живопис едва ли би могло да бъде надценено. Архитектурните мотиви и пейзажът, също както и човешките фигури, придобиват ново значение в живописното произведение, основаващо се вече не на техните йерархични или анекдотични функции, а на експресивната им сила като експоненти на вътрешната динамика в композицията.

Би било трудно да се обясни щедрото използване на архитрави, кариатиди и атланти в сценичния декор с тектонични или декоративни изисквания. Също така и значението им в строежа на композицията не е на преден план, макар че те, поставени в психологическия център на композициите, или възприемат импулсивно струящата енергия на силовите линии (Измиването на нозете, Тайната вечеря), или пък сами са източник на тази пулсираща динамика (Съдът на Ана и Каиафа). Техните функции са непосредствено свързани със съдържанието на сцените. Безжизнените статуи от живописния архитектурен декор се явяват като живи, натуралистич­но изобразени човешки или животински същества, преплетени в една съдбовна връзка с действието.  Подобно на хор от антична трагедия, те стават свидетели на най-значителните събития от евангелската история и са готови всеки момент да се включат в действието. Техните изображения се предопределят от една странна и тайнствена двойнственост между реалното и нереалното, нямаща равна в средновековното изкуство. Но и самите главни действащи лица застават в ново отношение помежду си. Единството на време, място и действие е нарушено. Отделните фигури не са ориентирани към един общ формален и идейно-духовен център, а образуват даже в една и съща композиция по няколко независими една от друга групи, представляващи разделени по време и място сцени. Композицията вече не може да задържи фигурите и архитектурния декор заедно те са устремени по всички посоки и най-вече по диагоналите на силовите линии. Като ново измерение в композицията се появява и времето, служещо на вече силно изтъкнатия наративен принцип, който в течение на ХІІІ век ще измести постепенно мистагогичния принцип от източноправославното изобразително изкуство. А мястото на действието тук съществува и се изявява единствено чрез взаимодействието на изобразените лица и предмети. То не е част от полето на зрение, чиито размери са предопределени от трите измерения на пространствените взаимоотношения, а е център на безкрайния космос – също както изобразените сцени, представящи Въплътяването на Словото, отразяват главните етапи от човешката еволюция.

При Ивановските стенописи срещаме и цяла поредица от голи човешки фигури нещо извънредно рядко за изобразителното изкуство на Християнския изток. Тяхното отношение към античността демонстрират на първо място явяващите се като академични студии атланти, чиито пози и жестове се предават на другите фигури. Но също тъй голи са телата и на палача, отсичащ главата на св. Йоан Кръстител, на обесения Юда и на стражара, който хваща Христос в сцената, представяща предателството на Юда. Внимателното наблюдение на тези голи фигури показва, че изобразяването им е предшествано от грижливи анатомични изследвания. За пръв път в източно-европейското средновековие един художник разбира значението на античността и на натурата, като достига до осъзнаване на тяхната каузална зависимост.

Не по-малко са свързани с действието и пейзажните мотиви. Огромната луна, осветяваща с бледа и кошмарна светлина Гетсиманската градина, жълтото изсъхнало дърво, на което е увиснал обесеният Юда, ярко открояващо се на тъмносиньото небе, както и огромната скала, застрашително надвесена над палача, отсичащ главата на Иван Кръстител, са много повече от обикновен сценичен декор. Те играят активна роля и в изграждането на композицията, и в самото действие, като изразяват същата двойственост между реалното и нереалното, както архитектурният декор.

Творческата свобода на художника и необикновено виртуозната трактовка на композициите и фигурите изключват всяко съмнение за оригиналността на Ивановските стенописи. Това ги отличава коренно от произведенията на византийското изкуство от ІX, Х и ХІ век, където антикизиращите тенденции най-често се проявяват, но се ограничават с копиране на антични образци или със заемането на техните композиции. Също както в монументалното изкуство на Първата българска държава, при Ивановските стенописи усвояването на античното изкуство не се ограничава в такова външно наподобяване, а се е превърнало в тяхна специфична особеност, определена от иманентната същност на художествените творби. По такъв начин ренесансовият характер в изкуството на Второто българско царство се явява като продължение на търсенията на античния дух в изкуството на Първото българско царство, прекъснато при неговото разпадане. Същевременно българското изкуство от ХІІІ век се ориентира към хуманистичното течение в източно-православното общество от края на ХІ и ХІІ век, намерило свой израз във философското учение на изтъкнатите хуманисти Михаил Псел и Йоан Итал. След преследването му от клерикалната реакция на Византия е получило, изглежда, временно убежище в българския царски двор.



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Архитектура требует действий на взаимном уровне на всех стадиях проектирования, и в свою очередь архитекторы очень часто играют ведущую роль в координации всех направлений проектирования проекта. ArchiCAD 14 благодаря IFC становится полноценным автоматизированным решением, полностью подходящим для современного проектирования, объединяясь с инженерными САПР и другими расчетными программами. Этот инновационный подход сможет обеспечить Integrated Project Delivery – IPD(комплексную передачу проектов) и значительно расширить возможности архитекторов и инженеров разной профессии. Благодаря таким возможностям вы сможете сократить количество ошибок при передаче данных с другими программами и существенно ускорить процесс проектирования.

Программа поддерживает технологию IFC, что значительно помогает организациям в междисциплинарной совместной работе. Эта технология позволяет настроить взаимосвязь инженеров и архитекторов, не смотря на названия и версии программ. В общем технология IFC создает мост между различными BIM-решениями для всех пользователей программы. В программу встроены инструменты контроля над изменениями проекта, помогающие автоматизировать и сгладить процесс согласования при развитии BIM-модели.

ArchiCAD 14 выводит современное проектирование на самый высокий уровень, благодаря революционной технологии ArchiCAD Teamwork 2.0, позволяющая совместно работать в рамках одного программного обеспечения. Так же для все проектировщиков будет интересна программа Автокад, под рабочим названием Autodesk AutoCAD 2012, самой свежей версией на данный момент и и одна из самых популярных среди чертёжников Компас 3D.

Дата выхода: 2010
Версия ПО: 14 Build 3269
Разработчик ПО: Graphisoft
Разрядность: любая
Совместимость с Windows : любая версия
Язык: Русский
Ключ: Вылечено
Размер: 596 Mb

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Enhancing the Mind Wellness SystemAccording to a news flash discharge that has been outdated Could Hunting for, 2005, the actual "Standing United states senate Committee In Societal Extramarital affairs, Research and also Technology" around Quebec proposed the creation of some sort of Canada Mind Wellness Commission payment that is to be the cause of considerably changing the actual Canada thought health and fitness process. As reported by Senator Erina Kirby, the actual Chair from the Panel, "The United states senate Committee will be invested in improving the array, superior in addition to company with health and assist companies that are necessary for the 1000s of Canadians who're living with psychological ailments plus addictive habits."Funding The actual Recommended ChangeBased by using an intensive three-year research on mental health and dependency, this Committee determined that it'll charge $5.35 million over a 10-year interval for this thought health system enhance. Where may these kind of funds come from? According on the Board, your profits arrive coming from elevating the actual excise income tax about alcohol drinks by means of Several pennies per sip. Part in the reasoning for the 5-cent raise each take in has been clearly the intention of rearing the needed money for your proposed adjustments in the mind wellbeing method. Another justifying factor for any amount increase, nevertheless, seemed to be the point that considering each one alcoholic drink costs far more, Canadians will be more prepared to be able to drink lower-alcohol merchandise just like light beer as well as wines in lieu of alcohol. Let's Do the Arithmetic At first, this offer may seem to be the better choice. Why should never those that sip guide finance a plan that can provide them with a much better emotional wellbeing program? Why never allow those people who are part of the "problem" end up part of a "solution"? This sense looks good until you do the math. When $5.Thirty-six million can be assist funding a enhanced thought well being procedure, and then what number of drinks is required to be taken within a ten-year phase to achieve $5.36 billion dollars money? The answer: 107,250,000,1000 drinks. That's 107 billion dollars, Two hundred mil products. To reach the quantity of cocktails this really is annually, many we will need to do is divide this number by way of 15 (for your ten-year software) as well as result's 15,720,000,1000. That is however and endless choice in which the good thing is can be "massaged" far more. According anywhere in the planet Factbook web site, the populace connected with The us had been calculated for being Thirty-three trillion persons in 2008. Splitting up 10,720,500,Thousand by way of Thirty three,1000,Thousand compatible 325. Putting this particular inside phrases the inexperienced may recognize, every single guy, lady, and kid inside The us have to use up 325 alcohol refreshments per annum for one more a decade to advance the newest emotional overall health process! It's really simple, these types of figures are certainly not reasonable.Far more FlawsThe "logic" with this offered intellectual wellness method likewise in time breaks down if it's evaluated more intense. In particular, the reason might men and women beverage lower-alcohol products such as light beer in case the elevated excise taxation applies to just about all alcoholic refreshments? To help appreciate this greater, let us work with an case. Let's point out that the common photo in Nova scotia currently prices $3.Double zero and also the common alcohol prices $1.Double zero. Based within the consist of price tag maximize, in the event Person drinks about 5 images 7 days, his each week typical alcoholic beverages expenditure will be $15.25. When the actual amounts are generally calculated, that figures out being A single.7% over Java may have expended prior to recommended income tax boost. Let's execute a equivalent physical exercise with ale. Based around the forecasted cost raise, if perhaps Pete liquids about Your five brewskies every week, his daily average alcoholic beverages costs will likely be $5.Twenty-five. When the particular statistics will be computed, this figures out to become 5% a lot more than Pete might have invested prior to a planned duty enhance. The idea: since the actual offered price enhance influences higher-alcohol items (just like photos) proportionately fewer than its lower-alcohol brethren (like draught beer), precisely why would likely Canadians exchange signal of lower-alcohol goods? Alcohol and Mind HealthAnother question. What in the event that thousands of Canadians, realizing that consuming alcohol seriously isn't great for their "mental wellness," a lot reduce their particular alcohol ingestion or leave sipping alcohol-based drinks totally? Where can the amount of money are derived from to help canceled out this particular deficiency of profit? In a similar way, let's say a multitude connected with Canadians that sip booze think that it doesn't need to give the added excise taxation plus, consequently, quit consuming alcohol based drinks? If this takes place, what sort of the government have the income needed to convert the actual intellectual overall health procedure? In other words, does indeed the particular Canada administration have got a sensible "plan B" with this key change?Could possibly ContradictionFrom a new viewpoint, is it not relatively odd that people whom beverage alcohol-based drinks will pay for a revived psychological health and fitness system? Is not presently there some sort of contradiction around reason anywhere you want during this suggestion? Explained otherwise, if perhaps tens of thousands of Canadians get psychological health issues and also are usually enslaved alcoholic beverages or maybe drug treatments, might not the us government want Canadians to be able to sip Significantly less alcohol in order to limit the present hazardous drinking, alcoholism, and alcohol-related thought health issues? Yet using the latest thought well being suggestion, coming from stringently a monetary perspective, it would appear that your Canadian government is definitely banking the full mind health and fitness system buy for traditional information this powerfully means that Canadians continues in order to sip during their own present or perhaps higher amounts of intake. Budgetary MiscalculationsWhat occurs, for example, if you will discover expense overruns while in the consist of emotional health procedure? There are actually, naturally, not one but two "easy" methods to this condition: increase a excise income tax about every single sip or maybe really encourage Canadians to consume all the more alcohol. Frequently "solution,Inch nonetheless, will be predicated for the incontrovertible fact that so as to "work," your improved mind health and fitness procedure must be backed by way of Canadians whom continue to drink alcohol based drinks. ConclusionIt seems plausible to conclude that the Canadian thought overall health strategy is trying to find a significant upgrade. As with many thorough administration software programs, having said that, the problem of backing becomes a major hurdle to get rid of. The offered Canadian thought health system improvement isn't exception. Based to the motives supplied over, it seems evident how the Canadian govt would need to formulate alternate resources for profit technology due to this worth it project. In truth, to point out one of the main "flaws" in the current proposition, evaluate the subsequent issue: When is more having your "good thing?In . Response: when them money a national emotional overall health system improve. Something informs me that will Andrew Rooney by "60 Minutes" would have a good time using this type of.Trademark The year 2007 * Denny Soinski. All Legal rights Earmarked World-wide. Reprint Protection under the law: You might publishing this information as long as you depart most of the inbound links energetic, don't update this article at all, and offer the writer credit ratings.
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Tramadol is a really preferred discomfort relief medication. A great deal of individuals are now selecting to acquire tramadol ultram to alleviate their soreness difficulties. Tramadol proves to be the best medicine for dealing with reasonable or chronic discomfort which happens in most elements of the entire body this sort of as head, joints and so on. The bodily results of a Tramadol addiction can be serious and they can be long phrase. Night time time asthma is very quite possibly the most widespread form of asthma. Tramadol is a controlled substance in the opiate relatives that is applied to deal with long-term suffering situations. Lunesta is a recently produced sleeping pill. Millions of American live with discomfort. Evening time asthma is really possibly the most prevalent kind of asthma. Tramadol proves to be the greatest medication for dealing with moderate or persistent pain which occurs in most elements of the physique [url=http://thwack.solarwinds.com/members/tramadol12/default.aspx]tramadol no prescription overnight - thwack[/url] these kinds of as head, joints and so on.

Currently there are several motives why folks search for to obtain Tramadol on-line without having a prescription. The modern-day planet is full of tensions and worries an people today cannot locate time for on their own. Most of the people today around are fairly suspicious about the penis enlargement supplements. Tramadol proves to be the greatest medication for treating reasonable or continual pain which happens in most components of the human body this kind of as head, joints and so on. Numerous people endure from persistent and severepain in their existence. Tramadol represents a single of the finest analgesic drug which treats reasonable and persistent pain. The bodily consequences of a Tramadol addiction can be critical and they can be lengthy term. Tramadol is used to decrease moderate to moderately severe discomfort. You can invest in ache drugs [url=http://militarysociety.com/blog.php?user=69579&blogentry_id=260740]where can i buy tramadol - militarysociety[/url] devoid of prescription and at unbelievably decrease charges so that you can be lured to obtain medicines with no brand, no credibility and these firms undoubtedly would not be liable if one thing happened to you. In an article revealed in the Journal of Pain, researchers theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle mass ache by blocking the exercise of a chemical known as adenosine.

Night time asthma is really potentially the most typical form of asthma. Migraine headache is a problem that has an effect on gals a lot more than guys. Most of the folks all-around are fairly suspicious about the penis enlargement pills. When you go to the doctor, likelihood are you will head to the pharmacy up coming. Tramadol proves to be the best medication for dealing with moderate or chronic discomfort which occurs in most elements of the system these as head, joints and so on. A lot of men and women are now choosing to purchase tramadol ultram to alleviate [url=http://puremtgo.com/users/tramadol]where can i buy tramadol - puremtgo[/url] their soreness issues. If youre struggling from long-term pains, it can be now superior to grab immediate suffering relief on line, you can now acquire Tramadol with the enable of on-line drug outlets. Anxiety and other emotional factors are considered to perform a important purpose in low back again soreness, specifically continual minimal again suffering. What is the most frequent disease housewives complain about? When you get tramadol with a cost-free prescription on the internet, it aids in delivering relief from extended suffering .

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118. анонимен - Tramadol represents one of the greatest analgesic drug which treats moderate and persistent pain.
27.10.2011 14:49
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Night time time asthma is really [url=http://tramadoltramadol.businesscard2.com/]online tramadol prescription - tramadoltramadol[/url] potentially the most typical sort of asthma. Recently even a lot more warnings have been issued about purchasing painkillers online devoid of a prescription or with a prescription. For numerous individuals, Tramadol is the reply to becoming capable to are living a regular each day everyday living. Tramadol discomfort medication is rather a popular pain relief medication that is being employed worldwide by numerous buyers. To buy Tramadol is the smartest option to get rid of the constant discomfort around the neck triggered by stress suffering. On-line Pharmacy is certainly coming into a new era of charge conserving evaluate. If youre struggling from long-term pains, it is now greater to get fast discomfort relief on line, you can now buy Tramadol with the enable of on-line drug stores. Pressure and other emotional factors are considered to play a important function in reduced back again [url=http://www.protectthehuman.com/users/tramadol12]visit protectthehuman - buy tramadol no prescription[/url] soreness, particularly persistent reduced back again ache. Quite a few individuals undergo from continual and severepain in their daily life. Lately even additional warnings have been issued about purchasing painkillers on the net without a prescription or with a prescription.

A ton of people today are now picking to buy tramadol ultram to decrease their ache concerns. Utilized as a discomfort reliever (specially soon after surgical procedure), the FDA accredited treatment Tramadol provides a fantastic assistance for its buyers. Hundreds of thousands of American live with pain. Tramadol ache treatment is quite a well-known pain relief medication that is staying utilised throughout the world by many consumers. The physical consequences of a Tramadol addiction can be really serious and they can be extended [url=http://www.bestwaytoinvest.com/users/tramadol12]buy tramadol no prescription - bestwaytoinvest[/url] expression. Tramadol represents a person of the greatest analgesic drug which treats moderate and chronic ache. Soreness is 1 this kind of situation that every person in this planet would have impacted with. To buy Tramadol is the smartest solution to get rid of the steady discomfort about the neck triggered by tension soreness. Ache drugs are a actual boon for people today who are suffering from horrible aches and pains. To obtain Tramadol is the smartest option to get rid of the steady pain all around the neck triggered by stress discomfort.

Evening time asthma is really possibly the most prevalent type of asthma. They are heroes in their own methods-risked their lives for the country. Tension and other emotional variables are believed to play a key function in very low back discomfort, especially chronic reduced again pain. Managing your prescription drugs can be very time consuming. Right now there are a lot of reasons [url=http://www.fastcompany.com/user/tramadol-1]fastcompany - do you need a prescription for tramadol[/url] why people look for to purchase Tramadol on the net with no a prescription. In an guide published in the Journal of Pain, scientists theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle suffering by blocking the exercise of a chemical named adenosine. Pressure and other emotional components are thought to perform a important purpose in minimal again discomfort, specially persistent very low back again soreness. Applied as a discomfort reliever (particularly immediately after medical procedures), the FDA permitted medication Tramadol gives a fantastic services for its customers. Suffering is a person these kinds of condition that everyone in this entire world would have afflicted with. Millions of American live with soreness.

If youre struggling from continual pains, it really is now better to grab quick discomfort relief on line, you can now purchase Tramadol with the support [url=http://eurout.org/users/tramadol]do you need a prescription for tramadol - eurout[/url] of on-line drug retailers. They are heroes in their personal approaches-risked their lives for the nation. Quite a few people suffer from chronic and severepain in their daily life. Discomfort prescription drugs are a actual boon for men and women who are struggling from horrible aches and pains. Nowadays there are several motives why men and women search for to purchase Tramadol on the net devoid of a prescription. Tramadol soreness medicine is really a well-liked pain relief medication that is being applied globally by several customers. Some decades again individuals went marketplace to obtain appliances, meals, medicines and etcetera. Millions of American reside with pain. Tramadol soreness medicine is very a preferred ache relief medication that is being utilized throughout the world by a lot of consumers. A whole lot of individuals [url=http://puremtgo.com/users/tramadol12]puremtgo - tramadol[/url] are now picking to get tramadol ultram to reduce their soreness difficulties.

You wake up with the nagging soreness, issues concentrating and wishing you could just go back again to bed and pull the addresses over your head. Tramadol is utilized to decrease moderate to reasonably significant ache. For quite a few men and women, Tramadol is the response to becoming equipped to stay a standard daily existence. For quite a few men and women, Tramadol is the remedy to staying equipped to reside a usual each day everyday living. When you check out the health practitioner, likelihood are you will head to the pharmacy following. You wake up with the nagging soreness, issues concentrating and wishing you could just go back to bed and pull the handles about your head. Employed as a suffering reliever (especially right after surgical procedure), the FDA approved medication Tramadol supplies a wonderful service [url=http://blog.calgarypubliclibrary.com/members/tramadol12.aspx]blog - buy tramadol no prescription[/url] for its shoppers. When you check out the physician, odds are you can expect to head to the pharmacy subsequent. For quite a few people today, Tramadol is the response to being ready to live a standard every day daily life. Nowadays there are numerous motives why individuals look for to acquire Tramadol on the internet with no a prescription.

On the web Pharmacy is perhaps getting into a new era of expense saving evaluate. Now you can purchase tramadol on the internet to decrease your ache. You experience from serious suffering all of the time. Several folks endure from long-term and severepain in their existence. The present day world is full of tensions and concerns an people cannot uncover time for on their own. Tramadol additionally is a person of the most taken soreness relievers that can be obtained [url=http://www.quiltingdaily.com/members/tramal_2D00_online/default.aspx]buy tramadol no prescription - quiltingdaily[/url] online. When you check out the health practitioner, odds are you can expect to head to the pharmacy subsequent. Discomfort is one this sort of problem that everybody in this entire world would have impacted with. A single can Tramadol from any of the healthcare outlets on the doctor's suggestion. Migraine headache is a affliction that has an effect on females more than guys.

You have to let the medication melt in your mouth ahead of consuming it . You have to enable the medication melt in your mouth in advance of consuming it . Millions of American live with ache. Tramadol is a managed substance in the opiate family that is used to treat long-term suffering conditions. Most of the people around are very suspicious about the penis enlargement pills. Lunesta is a recently produced sleeping pill. Managing your medicines can be incredibly time consuming. Tramadol represents a person of the ideal analgesic drug which treats moderate and persistent pain. Tramadol is utilized [url=http://www.quiltingdaily.com/members/tramal_2D00_online/default.aspx]quiltingdaily - tramadol[/url] to minimize reasonable to reasonably significant ache. Soreness drugs are a actual boon for men and women who are struggling from terrible aches and pains.

When you get tramadol with a free of charge prescription on the internet, it allows in giving relief from prolonged suffering . In an report revealed in the Journal of Discomfort, scientists theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle pain by blocking the exercise of a chemical named adenosine. Some constraints are applicable to soreness prescription drugs ordered from the internet. You have to make it possible for the treatment melt in your mouth prior to consuming it . Tramadol represents a person of the best analgesic drug which treats moderate and persistent ache. In an article printed in the Journal of Pain, researchers theorized that caffeine eases delayed muscle mass ache by blocking the exercise of a chemical named adenosine. Tramadol proves to be the greatest medication for treating reasonable or long-term suffering which takes place in most components of the human body this sort of as head, joints and so on. At some level in your talking [url=http://communities.bentley.com/members/crazylazy/default.aspx]online tramadol prescription - communities[/url] vocation, you may have to speak at a conference. Migraine headache is a issue that affects gals a lot more than men. Tramadol is used to minimize reasonable to reasonably extreme ache.

When you take a look at the doctor, chances are you will head to the pharmacy following. Soreness medicines are a real boon for people who are struggling from horrible aches and pains. Tramadol is employed to reduce reasonable to moderately significant ache. Managing your medicines can be quite time consuming. You experience from severe ache all of the time. Lately even additional warnings have been issued about purchasing painkillers on the web devoid of a prescription or with a prescription. For many men and women, Tramadol is the response to becoming ready to are living a usual daily existence. Tramadol is a very preferred pain relief medicine. Managing your medications can be very time consuming.
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Managing your medications can be really time consuming. Tramadol is applied to reduce moderate to reasonably extreme discomfort. Tramadol is a managed substance in the opiate household that is employed to handle continual soreness problems. Stress and other emotional elements are thought to play a major function in very low [url=http://militarysociety.com/blog.php?user=70499&blogentry_id=263766]where to get tramadol - militarysociety[/url] back again discomfort, notably long-term reduced again soreness. Tramadol proves to be the finest medication for dealing with reasonable or serious suffering which occurs in most parts of the human body this sort of as head, joints and so on. If youre struggling from continual pains, it really is now greater to seize immediate ache relief on line, you can now buy Tramadol with the help of on-line drug shops. You undergo from extreme pain all of the time. Tension and other emotional components are thought to perform a important role in minimal back pain, notably persistent very low back suffering. Night time asthma is rather potentially the most frequent sort of asthma. Utilized as a discomfort reliever (particularly immediately after surgical treatment), the FDA authorized treatment Tramadol supplies [url=http://www.focus.com/profiles/james-tramadol/public/]tramadol buying - focus[/url] a excellent support for its individuals.

When you get tramadol with a cost-free prescription on the web, it allows in giving relief from prolonged pain . Migraine headache is a affliction that has an effect on girls additional than males. Do you experience from restless leg syndrome, also identified as RLS? Some constraints are applicable to discomfort prescription drugs ordered from the web. What is the most typical disease housewives complain about? Ache prescription drugs are a actual boon for people today who are struggling from terrible aches and pains. Now you can buy tramadol on-line to reduce your ache. Not long ago even additional warnings have been issued about buying painkillers on-line without having a prescription or with a prescription. When you visit the doctor, possibilities are you can expect to head to the pharmacy up coming. Tramadol represents a person of the finest analgesic drug which treats moderate [url=http://www.citizen-news.com/users/tramdol12]citizen-news - tramadol buying[/url] and continual discomfort.

Tramadol is a incredibly preferred suffering relief medication. Tramadol is a quite common pain relief medicine. Several folks undergo from continual and severepain in their existence. To get Tramadol is the smartest alternative to get rid of the constant pain all around the neck triggered by stress pain. You have to enable the medicine melt in your mouth just before consuming it . Lunesta is a newly produced sleeping pill. What is the most common sickness housewives complain about? You can purchase suffering medications with no prescription and at unbelievably reduced charges so that you can be lured to get medicines with no brand name, no credibility and those companies undoubtedly would not be liable if something transpired to you. To purchase Tramadol is the smartest selection to get rid of the continuous discomfort all around the neck triggered by tension ache. Pain is one [url=http://www.curious.org.nz/forums/member/36806/]tramadol - curious[/url] such situation that absolutely everyone in this planet would have affected with.

Not too long ago even far more warnings have been issued about purchasing painkillers on the internet without having a prescription or with a prescription. The physical consequences of a Tramadol addiction can be really serious and they can be extended phrase. Tramadol plus is a person of the most accepted ache relievers that can be acquired on the net. Some constraints are applicable to ache medications ordered from the internet. Tramadol is a very common pain relief treatment. The modern entire world is entire of tensions and worries an people today can't find time for by themselves. Lunesta is a newly introduced sleeping pill. If youre struggling from chronic pains, it truly is now much better to get fast suffering relief on line, you can now get Tramadol with the enable of on-line drug shops. Lunesta is a recently [url=https://secure.slim-fast.com/members/tramadol/default.aspx]tramadol overnight - secure[/url] produced sleeping tablet. What is the most typical illness housewives complain about?

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123. анонимен - To get a significant web page rank it all starts with the building of the back again linking technique.
31.10.2011 13:22
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124. анонимен - Though participating in binary selections trading you will need to have to know how to defend your dollars.
31.10.2011 15:15
Binary possibilities trading refers to the investing exactly where payoffs are created at the time of expiry of the agreement amongst the buyer and the seller relying on the issue no matter if the alternatives is "in the money" or "out of income". Binary Options are a simple as properly as uncomplicated indicates in which you will make big sums of income by way of investing. Stock market place is 1 of the most attractive fields for investment. One more factor for binary possibilities is by way of buying and selling commodities. A different form of forex trading binary solution broker is taking the retail binary selections sector by storm with a special, simplistic up or down buying and selling program that even a 10 12 months aged could understand and run. A fantastic characteristic of on the web binary investing is that in the time that is taken by most contract choices to expire, which is usually about an hour, it is achievable for the investors to make rather a big amount of return on their investment. A person intriguing day buying and selling approach is a binary solution trade with contact and place positions in the exact same protection and expiration. Binary alternatives are an straightforward to use financial instrument that you can use to get significant revenue in brief [url=http://chumsy.com/pg/blog/BinaryOptionsTrading/read/354611/binaryoptionstrading]chumsy - binary options trading[/url] volume of time. One particular of the types of binary options investing presently is forex trading buying and selling binary alternatives. STRIKER9 Professional - Binary Options Buying and selling Method - STRIKER9.

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Day investing by fx trading indicators in the new millenium involves a much better comprehending of marketplace forces than actually before. Day buying and selling by foreign exchange trading indicators in the new millenium needs a greater comprehension of sector forces than at any time before. Probably the case of the Indian reserves on a nationwide foundation represents the correct impact of forex trading binary options. Strive the STRIKER9 Pro Binary Selections Technique Chance Totally free for thirty days. For numerous folks out there the idea of investing in the stock industry is extremely pleasing. With the environment turning out to be a lot more and additional cash oriented, men and women all above the planet are not attempting to come across out techniques to increase their financial institution harmony and accumulate the highest amount of funds as they can. Investors now consider the premiums to be low-charge and begin off obtaining all about [url=http://www.breastfeeding.com/social/BinaryOptionsTrading]options trading - breastfeeding[/url] yet again. Electronic selections are an alternative that either pays a mounted greenback amount on expiration, or nothing, relying on no matter if or not the explained criterion was met. Why investors commit in penny shares? The globe of Fiscal Affiliate Packages is inspiring a lot more and additional traders to turn into affiliate of lucrative investing and affiliation websites for earning huge returns as properly as growing their enterprise even more.

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Stock sector is one particular of the most alluring markets for investors. Not to sound like this is a covert operation that only a choose number of at the greatest levels know about but there are some binary selections techniques. When wanting at lengthy time period investing strategies, binary options are not the very first issue that occur to thoughts. A fantastic function of on the internet binary investing is that in the time that is taken by most agreement selections to expire, which is generally about an hour, it is attainable for the investors to make really a significant quantity of return on their investment. People today from all walks of lifestyle are venturing into the arena which was when dominated by the bigwigs of fiscal industry. The introduction of binary options has opened up new voie in the buying and selling arena. Any solution buying and selling tutorial would be incomplete if it failed to point out [url=http://allafricancafe.com/socialaac/profile.php?user=BinaryOptionsTradingBoy]visit allafricancafe - binary options[/url] a simplistic sort of choices trading called binary alternatives trading. In the very last two decades binary alternatives buying and selling has turn out to be incredibly common financial instrument, numerous economic investors has recognized that binary options can be good way to flip their know-how and understanding in the economic markets in to bg revenue. As you know the Binary Possibilities Buying and selling platform has been manufactured uncomplicated to comprehend and is a rather new notion in the monetary marketplace. The planet of Monetary Affiliate Programs is inspiring far more and more traders to grow to be affiliate of lucrative buying and selling and affiliation internet sites for earning enormous returns as nicely as rising their small business further.

This tactic benefits you primarily when you have two selections with a variety of expiry, wherever both equally options could be in the-income. Binary selections trading is a form of on-line buying and selling that requires speculating the route of a commodities,stocks,futures,index and currencies. Men and women from all walks of life are venturing into the arena which was the moment dominated by the bigwigs of monetary marketplace. Binary alternatives [url=http://www.123peppy.com/user/OptionsTrading]visit 123peppy - day trading[/url] investments have grow to be the normal solution to people's investment troubles in the last a number of years because of to various good reasons. Binary alternatives (BOs) are a new kind of on the web buying and selling. Binary choices trading is a form of on-line investing that involves speculating the path of a commodities,stocks,futures,index and currencies. Binary alternatives investing are money settled possibilities exactly where the payoff is exercised on the expiration date of the trade. Summary: Binary choices have set a new dimension in trading marketplace with its uncomplicated to use policy, higher possible towards growth and ease of management. Binary possibilities is a contract which delivers potential buyers a suitable to acquire but not the obligation, to acquire an underlying asset in advance of expiration date and time of the trade. The Binary Selections industry is essentially fascinating, model new, and everywhere.

Although engaging in binary possibilities buying and selling you will require to know how to defend your cash. To view what can occur if you want to get into binary possibilities buying and selling I will define a number of demos underneath. Are you interested in earning huge revenue on the upcoming improve in gold and silver values. Stock industry is one particular [url=http://americancowboy.com/users/binary-options-trading]online trading - americancowboy[/url] of the most alluring markets for investors. There is a new trend in on the web trading, and that is binary selections investing. There are several brand names in the subject of electronic in the marketplace .The identify of Sony is not new for us. A different type of forex binary solution broker is taking the retail binary possibilities market place by storm with a distinctive, simplistic up or down investing program that even a 10 year outdated could comprehend and run. If you are buying and selling binary possibilities you currently know of the big positive aspects this type of buying and selling offers. The possibilities can not incredibly last eternally, so deciding on an acceptable date implies that you have to consider at bare minimum in the limited to medium expression and know when to get out of the alternatives you are involved in. Even though engaging in binary alternatives buying and selling you will require to know how to protect your dollars.

The web page StartOptions.com is a binary possibilities trading platform. Short-phrase stock investing strategies by their very naturel are predicted to produce beneficial returns over a brief investment duration. When seeking at lengthy time period investing approaches, binary options are not the initially issue that come to brain. Microsoft Excel is an application that enables you to create [url=http://chictini.com/BinaryOptionsTrading]day trading - chictini[/url] professional workbooks and charts. A excellent element of on the web binary investing is that in the time that is taken by most agreement options to expire, which is generally about an hour, it is possible for the investors to make fairly a huge quantity of return on their investment. Binary alternatives investments have grow to be the normal solution to people's investment issues in the very last many several years due to many motives. STRIKER9 Professional - Binary Selections Investing Method - STRIKER9. In the final 2 a long time binary selections investing has grow to be quite preferred economic instrument, several financial investors has realized that binary alternatives can be good way to flip their knowledge and knowing in the monetary markets in to bg gain. The STRIKER9 Professional Binary Selections Process Possibility Totally free for 30 days. Electronic selections are an alternative that both pays a fastened greenback sum on expiration, or practically nothing, relying upon whether or not the said criterion was satisfied.

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125. анонимен - Gulliga paketresa om Koh Lipe paketresor
31.10.2011 23:06
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01.11.2011 20:08
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03.11.2011 05:04
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03.11.2011 05:27
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134. анонимен - Tramadol, as everyone is mindful, is a well-known discomfort medicine.
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135. анонимен - Tramadol is a managed compound in the opiate family that is used to treat serious pain problems.
07.11.2011 18:16
Tramadol is one of the very best medications to handle long-term and reasonable ache taking place in most elements of the system like joint, head and so on. I will never ever think about myself an addict even if I have been using Tramadol for several decades. Tramadol is an analgesic medication, which is recognized as the generic adaption of Ultram. When it comes to managing serious pain ailments, there are quite a few selections health professionals may possibly prescribe. Because late 1970's Tramadol soreness medication is a rapid ache reliever in order to deal with moderate and long-term pain. What is Tramadol? On the net Pharmacy is probably entering a new era of price conserving measure. Tramadol is a drug which is usually recommended by health professionals when the patients expertise any sort of pain in their system due to distinct good reasons. Managing your medications can be extremely time consuming. Dear girl," Grandmother Growth's voice would seem to float in the deepening twilight, echoing, reverberating, ringing in your ears.

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Before applying for this loan, do an online survey but while doing your research work, make sure to look for payday lenders that use 128 bit encryption (it is a system to protect your network with range of leading network security solutions). This will ensure you to get secure and safe dealings. With urgent loans you will get multiple benefits which are as follows: If you are looking for a fast cash injection to solve a short-term cash flow problem, approaching a traditional high street lender may be a bit like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Cash loans, some forms of which are also known as payday loans, may provide you with a more fitting solution. , [url=http://jeogaliloan.work-for-good.com/blog/]instant approval online payday loans[/url] , no teletrack no credit check payday loans payday loans no faxing bad credit payday loans and no fax overnight payday loan direct lender payday loans no fax , The Obvious Disadvantage of using a payday loan is the cost in percentage terms. If for example your borrowed f200 (or $s) and had to pay back f250 (or $s) in 15 to 30 days time then f50 to get yourself out of real trouble might be money well spent but it represents a huge percentage cost of you could fund the emergency elsewhere. The reason payday cash loans are great for helping build new credit is because the term of the loan is normally no more than two weeks. Because of the short loan term, a person could have many opportunities to borrow money using this kind of credit. If the borrower pays back each loan on time, this could be an excellent way to develop their credit report and to start demonstrating they are financially trustworthy. Right from paying home installments, car repairing bill, loan installment, medical bill, child's examination fees r grocery bill to electricity bill is being supported by the cash provided in these loans. These fast cash loans today will let you get a maximum of $1500 for 31 days of time period. So, while you opt for it is sure that you will repay it on time. If it is creating quite troubles for you as to how will you repay it then you can do one very simple thing. The benefit of opting for this procedure of adjusting the repayment date with your payday is that you will not have to rush to the lender for the repayment. The repayment will take place automatically and the payable amount will get transferred from your bank account to the lender. The same process takes place in context of the receiving of the loan amount too. As soon as you apply for the loans, the amount applied gets deposited in your bank account automatically. No Fax Payday Loans - An Overview

[url=http://www.miamilink.org/jeogalis/blog/]instant payday loans[/url] , payday loan with no credit check regardless of previous loans online payday loans no credit check , As its name suggests, same day payday loan can be approved at the very same day after applying online. Online application saves both of your precious time and physical effort. You can complete the application form with convenience of your home. You just need to fill the application form with general details and your cash will automatically get transit into your bank account without any hassle. Does a cheap payday loan exist? If you've been searching for a cash advance company that doesn't charge a fortune in fees for the privilege of borrowing their money, you're not alone. These types of companies have notoriously high interest rates. You can pay as much as 300% interest for some of these loans, and that just isn't in the budget for some people. Yet, if you need money quickly and have no other means to access it due to bad credit or maxed out credit cards, you may have no other choice but to go to a payday loan store. Fortunately, you don't have to pay a king's ransom in fees if you play your cards right. Here's what to do to find a good deal on emergency cash. The payday loan is very useful when you need emergency cash while waiting for your next payday. Those who have bad credit and fears rejection from loan application will greatly benefit from this type of loan since it does not depend on if you have a bad credit history or not. So, whether you have a good credit history or a bad one, you will be able to avail this loan as long as you are employed for more than six months and you have a steady income every month. The primary goal of instant payday loans is to provide the fiscal help to the UK residents. One of the fast ways of applying for these finances is through online method. This mode is fast, convenient and less time consuming. Once the application has been sanctioned then money will get transferred in the applicant account within 24 hours. It is essential to know that any delay in the repayment can cause late fine on the form of extra interest. , [url=http://jeogalias.renspace.com/blog/]direct payday lenders[/url]

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Cash Advance or Payday Loan &middot; with a traditional loan it may take many weeks to approve the application and get your money in the bank; Why To Get A Payday Loan Under these loans you can borrowf100 to f1500 against your next pay check. These are unsecured loans for very short period of two weeks only. The lender may take a post dated check of the borrowed amount plus fee on it, from the borrower for safely getting back the loan. , [url=http://www.larpspace.com/jeogalloan/]guaranteed approval payday loans[/url] , So within few clicks, grab the needed cash to disperse your needs within few hours. In order to apply for a same day loans, the person applying must be at least 18 years old, have full-time paying job and have a bank account. At last, he should be a permanent citizenship of UK. o Less Paperwork , [url=http://www.chatalaska.com/jeogalaloan/]payday loans online lenders[/url]

Payday loans can be considered as a quick solution to your problem in availing an advance payday loan that can provide instant cash for your imperative need. The application and approval process of this type of loan is formulated in a simple and fast way so that you can avail the cash easily. 5. You must hold a valid checking bank account &bull; The applicant must be at least 18 years of age. You are supposed to repay the loan amount till your next pay day. The loan amount may depend a great deal on your requirement. One of the biggest advantages of instant payday loans is its fast approval. And there is no such need of credit check, which implies people with bad credit history can also qualify for these loans. , [url=http://members.enchantedfolk.com/]payday loans online[/url] , If you are worrying that your credit score is poor then you have to shed all those worrisome thoughts. This is because a payday loan can easily be availed even by people having a poor credit history. The lender in this case is not much worried about your past. He has to look into the present status. And so, the lender only demands a few conditions to be fulfilled. And these are: Lenders will allow you to take small financial help that ranges from ?100 to ?1500 by opting for payday cash loans. A shirt period of 14 to 31 days is given to repay the loan. These loans help you to take funds for meeting your several small urgent expenses like unpaid grocery bill, telephone bill, organizing birthday party, buying a dress, unexpected medical bill and so forth. There are many lenders available on the internet. You just have to get the loan approved from anyone of them. It is very important to make sure that you are dealing with a genuine lender as many lenders may impose unreasonable terms and conditions for the loan. So it is advisable to you to make sure that you are dealing with a right lender. , [url=http://jeogaliloan.work-for-good.com/blog/]direct payday lenders[/url]

The applicant does not need to feel harassed because of formalities of paperwork. All this only causes wastage of time and elongates the money lending process. &bull; Age- applier must be or above 18 years. You can ask your friends or family for the money in hard times but it may be a little embarrassing for you. Cash loans no credit checks can save you from this as well. All you have to do is to apply for the loan through the internet. You can apply for the loan in just few hours time and the money will also be deposited in your account in few hours time. You have to understand the fact that these loans are a bit costly than the other personal loans. This is because the risk assumed by the lenders. These loans are offered without any credit checks so the risk is compensated by charging a high fee. , [url=http://www.buncospace.com/jeogaleloan/]Instant Approval Payday Loans[/url] , Studies have shown the average amount of money borrowed ranges from $300 to $500 and if you do your calculations after having borrowed $300, you will find you will have to pay back $345, which all said and done, really is not that much. Teletrack is a credit reference agency which accumulates poor credit and you may say it is sub prime credit details of any customer. These loan providers will not go through your credit history and past credit details. Most of the companies are using this system as their main agenda is that they can cater the needs of poor history people so that they can repay their older debts. , [url=http://www.chatalaska.com/jeogalaloan/]instant payday loans[/url]
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144. анонимен - Payday loans or cash advances are presented to an particular person according to his or her existing earnings.
24.11.2011 17:30
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03.12.2011 10:50
Are Ugg Boots Worth The Money?

In Australia, the word "Ugg" means "Boot". Ever since the '60's, Ugg boots have been in use by Australian surfers for warmth after getting out of cold water. When Ugg Boots migrated to California (along with the surfers), the surfing community there also embraced the thermostatic boots (they keep you warm when it's cold, while whisking away any moisture when it's hot). Now Ugg Classic Boots are coveted by everyone, not just surfers - they're the trendiest boots around.

Everyone that's bought [url=http://www.cheapuggbootssaleukonline.com]ugg uk[/url] boots will tell you to buy them early, since they always run short in supply by the time the cold hits in December. At that time, you will probably be looking at your 2nd, 3rd, or even 4th choice, - if you can even find it in the size you wear. The reason being is that Ugg has strict control over the amount that they distribute, so that they can maintain a high demand.

Where can I find Ugg Classic Boots?This season's most popular Ugg Boot is the Bailey Button Triplet Bomber. These boots will fly off the shelves once the first snowflake of the year hit the ground. We have talked with dozens of retailers about how popular Ugg Boots are.

This online store that I recommend carries Ugg classic boots in all sizes - and the best thing is, they offer free shipping. They will pay for the shipping if you want to return them, and they have the best prices you'll find online. They also have a lifetime return policy and GUARANTEED lowest price. To visit the site, just click on the link below. With a better return policy than the manufacturer's retail site, which has only a 30-day return policy, we highly recommend them.

Exclusive Special Pre-Season Sale On Ugg BootsFor a very limited time, save $20 on any Ugg Boots order over $100. This is an exclusive Ugg Boots pre-season sale we've arranged with our top footwear retailer. The sale can end at anytime, without notice. Only available for online order through the link(s) below.

The Different kinds of [url=http://www.cheapuggbootssaleukonline.com/ugg-women/ugg-bailey-button-triplet.html]ugg bailey button triplet[/url] Ugg BootsThere are various styles when it comes to Ugg Boots. Perhaps the most favored Ugg boot is the traditional Classic Ugg Boot. They are available in short and tall sizes. The classic boot is made from of sheepskin, and it also comes in various colors. The sole is made of EVA - a gum rubber sole which cushions your foot when you walk.

The family of Classic Collection boots is made up of Classic Talls, the new Bailey Button (which has a cute button and wider opening), and the Classic Short Boots. The Bailey Button and new Bailey Button Triplet are expected to be the hottest sellers this fall.

How to care for your Ugg Classic Boots Since Ugg Classic Boots are constructed from Sheepskin (with the exception of the Knit Line), they should be taken care of gently. Ugg recommends the use of an Authentic UGG water-based Australian Sheepskin Care Kit as well as a stain repellent. DON'T USE Silicone, since this will make the boot's leather unbreathable. With the use of a water-based waterproofing kit as well as a stain repellant, you can make sure that your Ugg boots are able to breathe, while keeping your feet cool or warm (as needed). When you clean them, make sure that you use a water-based footwear cleaning gel on a monthly basis. You can also purchase the Ugg Care Kit, which is recommended by many Ugg boot owners as well as by Ugg from our recommended retailer.

Classic Authentic Knit Cardy UGG Boots for Women are a new line of Ugg Boots which were introduced as "the Knit Boots". They are really fun - and insanely comfortable. The Knit Boot line is made up of the Classic Cardy, Classic Argyle Knit, Classic Tall Stripe Cable Knit, and Classic Argyle Knit. These boots, however, aren't meant to be worn in the snow, because of their knitted sweater-like material.

I just love it when I'm wearing mine, though. They feel really good, as if they were hugging my feet. They're very comfortable to walk in, and they're perfect to wear indoors, outdoors during the fall when it's nice, and for short trips during the winter.

There are also authentic Ugg Boots for men. The men's boots are made up of three main lines of Ugg Boots. The Classic Line for men is similar to the classic Ugg Boots for women that we described earlier.

They are Ugg's top online retailer, and have the best selection of Authentic Ugg Boots. They carry Ugg Boots that other retails have run out of stock on. And they have the best prices. If you see any style that is currently on back order, buy it now and it will be shipped as soon as it is available - otherwise you run the risk of missing out.

They are one of the first online shoe retailers (since 1996), and this family-owned specialty shoe retailer has been in business for decades - and has eight physical store locations. They do a good job of creating a local boutique feel to their website and the way they conduct their online business. It is a refreshing change from the mega-online retailers. It's not a big box store - you're truly supporting a successful family-owned business.

Note: The new Uggs are in. They won't be available with this pre-season special discount much longer. Shop now now before the rush.

Only Buy Ugg Classic Boots from Authorized DealersUgg is an insanely popular brand. That is why many online retailers sell knock-off and "look-a-like" versions of the famous Ugg Boots and selling them at incredibly low prices. It has become a big problem for Ugg. These cheap "look-a-like" boots are made with synthetic materials (which will make you feet sweat), or are poorly constructed and fall apart after one season of wear.

Ugg Australia requires that all authorized dealers keep price integrity. So if you see a deal that seems too good to be true, in this case it probably is. Ugg boots do cost more, but they are of much higher quality. Don't wear knock-offs or cheap imitations. Ugg Boots still turn heads. And like it or not, the heads that turn are looking to see if you are wearing Authentic Ugg Boots.

Ugg Boot Sizing for ComfortWhen buying Knit and Classic Boots, it is recommended that you purchase your boots a half to a full size smaller than that of your normal shoe size. They may feel a bit snug, but the boots will stretch out. Ugg Class Boots come in whole sizes only, while Ugg Fashion Boots come in whole and half sizes.

Ugg Classic Boots are supposed to be worn barefoot. This will ensure that the fleece cushioning in your boots will mold to the shape of your foot, thus giving you extra support. In addition to the above, going barefoot will also allow the wool's natural properties to take effect as they wick away any moisture when your feet are hot, and they warm your feet when it's cold. Ugg notes that the wool will only keep your feet cool up to 80F and your feet warm at temperatures of -30F.

If you prefer to wear socks however, it's advised that you wear high quality sock such as Goodhew or Marcmarcs. These types of socks act in a similar manner as the wool in your boots, warming your feet and wicking away any moisture.

The Online Retailer we mentioned earlier which We Recommend for buying Ugg Classic Boots is authorized by Ugg Australia. They offer a huge selection - in all styles and all sizes. They also offer a lifetime return policy for all unworn Ugg boots, and they offer the lowest price guaranteed (meaning they'll match the price of other authorized dealers if it's lower than theirs). You can have your Ugg Classic Boots on your feet in just a few days. Just click the link below to go to their online store...

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03.12.2011 16:08


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My wife has a second cell phone in which it is plainly obvious that the person she is texting, she is Being Intimate with. She comes home after work, I work 2nd shift at a local prison,, she meets him at our house. I know this because i put in hidden cameras. I have been saving this footage for over a year.
I know that most of these posts are about should i forgive my wife for cheating. I say do so at your own peril. I say forgiving your wife is the risky decision. I say this because I have forgiven my wife the last time she cheated on me and that decision has landed me here, again. Last time my daughter was 12 years old when it happened and now she almost 17. Her well being was part of my decision to forgive my wife the first time, however I beleive that she is old enough now to handle Mom and Dad divorcing. At least understand it better. I have uploaded the vedios to a couple sites please check them out and tell me if i should leave them for her to find maybe spread them FURTHER
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